Craigslist Clone, Kijiji Clone, Craigslist Script

Craigslist Clone, Kijiji Clone, Craigslist Script.jpg

Dexterity Solution has implemented Craigslist Clone. Craigslist script helps you to sell the products through online marketing. Kijiji Clone introduces everything like buy, sell, organize or meet new people around you. If you want to sell a product you can post the ad for the particular product, can display advertisements for your products, it is based on your categories the products are placed in their respective manner, and can create ads with the needed pictures for the products to be sold. You can find author details like name, conduct number, etc. To find location is the biggest problem when that place is new to us, now this is not a big problem to find the location, easily can find the correct location with Google map. Most of the user wants to see the same product frequently; there is no need to search the website often, you should add that page in your favorite list, can see at any time without any trouble. It has multi-location, user can search the location based on product, and easily search our current location products also. It is possible to send inquiry mail to the product, and sometimes we can get reply also.

Kijiji Clone script is customized through admin, you can change the homepage design has based on your interest, add numerous categories, contact links and other necessary information. It is possible to edit the basic layouts of the website. Dexterity Solution also provides 1 year of technical support, free updates for the source code for 6 months, and brand-free. Once you buy our product, we will provide you with the full source code and your website will go live within the next 24 hours. If you still need any clarifications, feel free to contact us.  We will be happy to help you.

Programming Language
Mobile Apps
Open Source
Developer Name
Dexterity Solution
Craigslist Clone, Kijiji Clone, Craigslist Script.jpg 7 years ago
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